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Runtime remote video quality assessment

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

Interactive video communication over limited bandwidth channel and variable user end configuration has concern of video quality.

Discover the objects and features in the image using Explainable AI Techniques.

Tech Used :

React-Native,Python APIs

Description :

Field Data is an incredible source of information to validate earth observation studies. Recently with the success of Convolution Neural Networks in Feature Extraction from Satellite Images, there is a need to standardize and generate training datasets.

Diet Recall

Tech Used :

React-Native,Python APIs

Description :

A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc.

To maintain and enjoy healthy relationships with others

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

1.Developing effective communication skills 2. Developing interpersonal skills 3. Developing empathy (perspective taking) 4. Accepting and respecting others Ways to nurture positive relationships

To enhance concentration among students for better performance in the given task.

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

1. Identifying the reasons for lack of concentration 2. Steps to enhance concentration Ways to enhance concentration

Speed measurement of autonomous underwater vehicles

Tech Used :

React-Native, Python APIs, MongoDB

Description :

Instruments such as Doppler Velocity Logs are used by few vehicles to estimate vehicle velocity by Doppler shift; however, DVL operations are noisy and limited to shallow waters.

Solution to Identify Drones through CCTV feeds installed at houses, roads etc.

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

An economic solution such as detection of Drones through CCTV feeds in real time is very useful to protect our establishments and sensitive areas.

Training of all levels of court staff on PAN India basis

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

- training different types of resources - Access anywhere and anytime - Accessible through laptop, desktop, mobile or other computing devices - Should suggest right kind of trainings based on the user role

IoT enabled risk monitoring svstem in Cold Suppll Chain

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB, C-language,Think Speak S/W, oneM2M Arch

Description :

Interactive video communication over limited bandwidth channel and variable user end configuration has concern of video quality.

Devlop a Software for Categorization of cases.

Tech Used :

React-Native,Python APIs

Description :

Courts are getting many cases and currently it is becoming challenging to prioritize those cases. A software/algorithm should be developed for prioritizing and allocations

Require Automated Smart Data Collection System

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB, Python APIs

Description :

Data is manually entered through the portal which results into delays, discrepancies and mistakes.

Smart and sustainable supply chain

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

SDG target 12.3 seeks by 2030. halve per capita global food plastic at the retail and consumer level and reduce food losses

Layering of Bank accounts

Tech Used :

Python GUI, MongoDB

Description :

During criminal investigation, Law agencies come across different bank accounts. There is need of a mechanism which can help to integrate different bank accounts into layers.

Smart Manufacturing

Tech Used :

React-Native,Python APIs

Description :

Interactive video communication over limited bandwidth channel and variable user end configuration has concern of video quality.

Require Crime Predictive model/tool for hotspot mapping

Tech Used :


Description :

Explanation Mapping of hotspots/zones where e a particular crime is more prevalent Some of the categories for classification.