Id Name Title Technology Description Category
1 Zahid Parvez Hosting a blockchain code on to a cloud network in order to create a prototype app in the Healthcare sector React,MySQL providing an application which can be used through mobile phones, computers or tablets. We are currently at the phase where we have the codes developed and the designs for the app, but need help with hosting it on the cloud and building the prototype. All support and assistance will be provided for the same. WebApp
2 John Runtime remote video quality assessment Python GUI, MongoDB interactive video communication over limited bandwidth channel and variable user end configuration has concern of video quality. Different VSAT terminals may have different computing resources i.e. RAM, graphics card, local network issues, not properly optimized VSAT setup affecting BER, Receive power etc. WebApp
3 Emma Video metadata generation & classification Django,SQL,HTML,CSS Video documentaries of various ISRO missions and programs are available. To categorize the all-video programs, generation & verification of huge amount of metadata generation need to be done. With current Deep learning methods-based development in field of Computer vision and Natural Language Processing this task of video metadata generation is now days automated. Given Video programs, process for objects, text, speech recognition, Named Entity recognition etc. to classify the videos in different genres like launch programs, interviews, educational programs, outdoor shots, public shots, traffic etc. WebApp
4 Aparna Discover the objects and features in the image using Explainable AI Techniques. React-Native,Python APIs Field Data is an incredible source of information to validate earth observation studies. Recently with the success of Convolution Neural Networks in Feature Extraction from Satellite Images, there is a need to standardize and generate training datasets. This Field Datasets will be of high value in terms of the research and development in Space Applications. It is felt that catalogue of field data and AI based solution to discover the objects or features will be a milestone during India’s Self Reliance Journey in Geospatial Sector. For d Mobile App
5 Rohan HERITAGE Identification of monuments using Deep Learning Techniques Django,SQL,HTML,CSS To identify the monuments from Satellite Images using Deep Learning and Integration of Interpretability for the predicted outcomes (Explainable AI). WebApp
6 Pa1 Kalyan Weather Forecast and its Visualization using Augmented Reality (AR) HTML, CSS, MongoDB Utilization of AR technologies for effective distribution of weather forecast. AR to enhance information dissemination with better interactivity and user engagement. Web App
7 Haish Pseudo height assignment to INSAT 3D/3DR Cloud data and its 3D visualization on Web Python GUI, MongoDB The INSAT-3D/3DR spacecraft (parked at 82° East and 74° East respectively) carries two meteorological payloads: (i) IMAGER working from the visible to the infrared spectral bands (0.55 to 12.5 µm) and (ii) SOUNDER working in 18 IR (7 in LWIR,5 in MWIR,6 in SWIR) channels and one in Visible spectral range. WebApp
8 Veer Deep Learning based Cyclone Intensity estimation using INSAT-3D IR imagery React,MySQL One of the major uses of Navigation based application is Location-Based Services (LBS) which constitutes a significant portion of the navigation application usage. WebApp
9 Brahmah Seamless indoor-outdoor navigation Django,SQL,HTML,CSS One of the major uses of Navigation based application is Location-Based Services (LBS) which constitutes a significant portion of the navigation application usage. The availability of location-sensitive smartphones, with wireless broadband high-speed connections, has made low-cost applications available to a huge audience and there exists a lot of innovation in designing new type of technology and applications using these devices. Typically, it is seen that outdoor positioning is generally GPS/GNSS based. However, indoor positioning is generally based on WLAN technology. WebApp
10 Ram Processing, visualization and application development of raw GNSS data on Android Smartphones Flutter,Python APIs some of the advanced smartphone chipsets now supports L5 band also. Along with this a major development has happened wherein the android has enabled access to raw GNSS data also. This opens up enormous opportunity to develop newer smartphone based GNSS applications enabling accuracy and integrity, which was not possible earlier. Mobile App
11 Sai Tej Android application for the imaging possibilities by an Earth observing satellite React-native,NoSQL These days almost every android smartphone includes a GNSS sensor. Increasingly this GNSS sensor supports hosts of GNSS constellation like GPS, Galileo, Beidou, Glonass, QZSS and NavIC. Until now, the smartphone GNSS chipsets were operating on single frequency at L1 only. However, some of the advanced smartphone chipsets now supports L5 band also. Along with this a major development has happened wherein the android has enabled access to raw GNSS data also. This opens up enormous opportunity to develop newer smartphone based GNSS applications enabling accuracy and integrity, which was not possible earlier. This problem statement deals with the processing and visualization of such raw GNSS observable from the android devices. WebApp
12 Nikhil Multispectral satellite image dehazing Python GUI, MongoDB Given a multispectral image, dehazing tries to improve interpret-ability in the image regions affected by the presence of haze during acquisition. For datasets and additional information Mobile App
13 Salman Water Quality from Mobile captured and Google earth images HTML, CSS, PHP Color of the water is result of solar radiation interaction with water constituents and its concentration. The changing watercolor is direct indicator of changing water parameters and its suitability of usage. Measurement of water leaving radiance in visible region and its transformation to hue angle do provide necessary water parameters. Development of App for measurement of Water Quality using smartphone. For datasets and additional information WebApp
14 Teja Flood inundation probability mapping React,MySQL Development of image processing-based approach to estimate flood inundation probability by utilizing multiple satellite images form microwave and optical sensors. For datasets and additional information WebApp
15 Raju Natural Language search tool for Web GIS Flutter To design and develop a Natural language-based search system for searching about attribute/information about datasets/features in a web GIS using open source tools and libraries Mobile App
16 Varun Producing Super Resolution Digital Elevation Models from low resolution DEMs Python GUI, MongoDB DEMs could be produced from different sources. Satellite stereoscopy has its own advantages over other techniques. However, there are certain theoretical limitations in producing DEMs from a certain resolution stereo data. Here the idea is to train a machine with some super resolution DEM samples and use the model for generating super resolution elsewhere. WebApp
17 Aamir Software toolset for storage browsing and permission based access to geospatial data using blockchain HTML, CSS, PHP Ever-growing geospatial data requires secure and scalable storage for archiving data. Block chain-based technologies can offer strong byzantine fault tolerance and distributed data storage and access. However currently there are no mature options for storing and organizing large geospatial datasets on a distributed blockchain. WebApp
18 Preeti Fully automated seamless on-the-fly mosaicking of satellite images React,MySQL Fully automated seamless on-the-fly mosaicking of satellite images WebApp
19 Xena Prediction of TEC variations with Artificial Intelligence using Space Weather Data as input React-Native,Python APIs Background: High resolution imaging satellites have limited swath and images from adjacent passes are stitched together, However, theme images may have different illumination and atmospheric conditions leading to a visible differences at the border of images. The goal of this problem statement is to develop a fully automated algorithm to automatically stitch adjacent ( multiple ) satellite images without human intervention to create a seamless mosaic. The algorithm needs to be fast enough for on-the-fly stitching for web based visualization. Mobile App
20 Vishwa Prediction of TEC variations with Artificial Intelligence using Space Weather Data as input react js The ionospheric electron density is sensitive to the space weather parameters like Sunspot numbers, F10.7, Interplanetary magnetic field etc. and shows variation with respect to them. These parameters are detected and measured at L1 point (currently by ESA / NASA satellites) and are transmitted to earth. So, the information about these parameters are available before they actually influence the terrestrial ionosphere. Importantly, all these data are freely available over internet. WebApp
21 Rosie Fully automated seamless on-the-fly mosaicking of satellite images React,MySQL Realization of high accuracy navigation system using NavIC/GNSS and other augmentation systems (i.e. integrating optical cameras, INS, odometer, radars); which can provide decimeter level positioning and manage lane-level navigation. For datasets and additional information Windows App
22 Natasha Symbol Rate/Bandwidth Estimation React, Python, Django To design and develop signal processing algorithm (Matlab/C based Code) for spectrum monitoring and Estimation of Symbol Rate / Bandwidth together with centre frequency of the modulated signal. The estimation is expected to achieve accuracy of order of Hz. The input may have multiple communication channels and bandwidth/symbol rate of each channel has to be estimated within specified bandwidth. A typical 10 MHz bandwidth may be considered for simulation. For datasets and additional information WebApp
23 Steeve Real-Time Adaptive Speech Mixing and Audio-video synchronization React,MySQL Content adaptive speech mixing and audio-video synchronization is a challenge task in building audio-video conference system for Gaganyaan Project. To achieve clear and distinguishable audio, the audio mixing should be done based on adaptive acoustic modeling. Characteristics of speech such as pitch, formant frequencies, and segmental durations related to specific age group or gender should be adapted. WebApp
24 Harward Traffic Light Negotiation and Perception-Based Detection Flutter Identify the color of the traffic light using camera output and perception. Control the change of state of the traffic light using Stateflow. The ego-vehicle should react to the traffic light information. Build your own scenes with the following suggested requirements and perform a quantitative analysis of your algorithm: a. Traffic lights obstructed by trees b. Various types of traffic lights like hanging on a pole, multiple traffic lights in different orientations at an intersection c. Scenes with different weather conditions Work with Automated Driving Toolbox™ , Computer Vision Toolbox™ , Lidar Toolbox™ and Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™ for this project. Students can also take the opportunity of submitting the solution to the MathWorks Excellence in Innovation Projects and get recognized for their work. Deliverables Software (Models, Code, Simulation Data, 3D files) License: For students whose institutions/university already have access to MATLAB, SIMULINK and its toolboxes, please use of these licenses. To check if your campus has a MATLAB campus license? Check the following link For those whose institutions/university, do not have access to MATLAB, SIMULINK and its toolboxes. Mobile App
25 Roohi and Justice Chowdary Bulk email and SMS service smtblib,python Faster APIs "Background: Information sharing is a major factor for development in the country. It is a time taking process to share information to all the citizens of the country through media and newspaper. In this modern generation almost everyone has a mobile phone in their hand. We can use this opportunity to share information directly to them through SMS or email. This will save time and money and information can be shared with a larger community within short time duration. Also such service can be used to repeatedly send SMS in case of emergency situations. Windows App
26 Tony AI based Chatbot to answer FAQs Python GUI, MongoDB "Background: There have always been queries of people regarding various topics to which answers are provided manually by people. In order to make this process fast the FAQs can be answer using the latest AI technologies where answers can be automatically generated according to the questions. Also for every question asked it can be stored and the list of questions can be increased to provide better mapping of question and answers. This process can reduce lot of work pressure for both the consumer and the government.
27 Paulette Energy Conservation with modern technology Flutter Background: The world’s natural resources are already depleting, and people are starting to feel the repercussions of a wasteful lifestyle. As such, energy conservation is vital in today’s world. Not only does it help households save money, but it also encourages consumers to be more conscious about preserving natural resources. IoT has made homes smarter, so its application in energy conservation is more accessible. WebApp
28 Jessica Graphical Password Authentication React,MySQL Passwords are ubiquitous today on any platform, on possibly any website. But to remember so difficult passwords and that too on numerous websites seems daunting and therefore you can devise a project illustrating graphical password strategy. This will allow the user to set passwords in the form of graphical presentation in a certain pattern and later use that pattern to login o the system. Mobile App
29 Liliana Network Traffic Analyzer React-Native,Python APIs Also called “Packet Sniffing”, network traffic analysis and monitoring is a process used to keep an eye on all incoming and outgoing traffic, network activity, and availability. It is used to detect anomalies, identifying operational issues, comparing real-time networks with historical data to identify potential threats and issues. For a project, you can analyze the data packets that are sent across the network. After analyzing these packets you can work on a report to give your insights, and if required, countermeasures if there is an anomaly. WebApp
30 Zarina Software for easing government procurements Python GUI, MongoDB Government purchases various components through tender which takes a lot of time as the process of allocation of tender takes more than 2 months. Often it is observed after allocation of tender the fulfillment of the required tender takes more than required time. From tender allocation to tender completion it takes more than 6 months to complete all the process as government itself have to compare all the required items. WebApp
31 Yohanna AI based tool to get information about 5 good institutes based on AISHE Flutter India as we know is a densely populated country and Every year more than 6 crores of Indians graduates from diverse backgrounds and with diversity in education. Almost similar number of students enter into colleges for taking various education to help them in seeking jobs. With the advent of time technology and the requirement of job sector has changed drastically as compared to 10 years back. Windows App
32 Niocola AICTE Event/Activity (Workshops, Talks, FDP, Meeting etc) management system. React, Python, SQL Currently in AICTE Event/Activity Management happens manually. Such examples of activities that happen manually are Booking of meeting room/auditorium, communication to all the bureaus/members regarding meetings through email and SMS alerts, intimate canteen for refreshment/Lunch/dinner arrangements, update the information on AICTE social media like Facebook & Twitter page, Report generation, activity log checking etc. This manual process generally takes a lot of time to implement and can cause delay to the actual work. Mobile App
33 Shadab Career dendrogram HTML, CSS, PHP In order to realise the goal of demographic divide, every citizen of the country needs to be educated for job, be it a scientist, a doctor, engineer or whatever to meet not only the needs of our society but also the other societies elsewhere in the world. Every student aspires to become a great person and self reliant, but their passion and likings are diverse. In order to cater to the aspirations of the students and facilitate them to aim it high, they are required to be informed about the number and type of jobs this country has in the future years, as also the number of business persons, entrepreneurs, workforce in all areas of employment. WebApp
34 Katie Lack of information about Academic Activities in single platform React,MySQL We need you to develop a portal where information about all academic activities across the country, universities and international arena in chronological order and in subject areas so as to enable the students, faculty, and researchers to access information and prepare well in advance and participate effectively and successfully. WebApp
35 Molly Lack of sustainability in appointment of Faculty in Higher Educational Institutions and Colleges React-Native,Python APIs Retirement of faculties and appointment of faculties in colleges is not standardised in our country. While retirements are mandatory on superannuation, steps to fill up the vacancy that arises immediately is lacking. When a vacancy arises in the middle of the academic year on account of the superannuation of a faculty, the students are the victims. WebApp
36 Paloma Portal to know about various National and International scholarships Flutter India as we know is a densely populated country and every year more than 6 crores of Indians graduates from diverse backgrounds and with diversity in education. Almost similar number of students enter into colleges for taking various education to help them in seeking jobs. With time students also look for good scholarships based on the merit, skills, income, etc. Getting scholarships would help such students to even excel more. Summary: With growing technology and market scholarships in the market is also increasing but is the data is not confined to one place. People have to find various places to check for good scholarships. Addressing this problem will help in knowing various national and international scholarships. ALos it will encourage students to increase their merit to get such scholarships for better future. Objective: : We need you to develop a portal where various National and International scholarships based on merit, study field, income etc. are shown up. This should be a real time data management which should be updated with the latest scholarships that are being offered." WebApp
37 Nancy Prediction of Admission & Jobs in Engineering & Technology with respect to demographic locations HTML, CSS, PHP Prediction of Admission & Jobs in Engineering & Technology with respect to demographic locations Mobile App
38 Renee To develop in integrated and robust online platform for the researchers providing the information and relevant details about national/international research grants Flutter India as we know is a densely populated country and Every year more than 6 crores of Indians graduates from diverse backgrounds and with diversity in education. Almost similar number of students enter into colleges for taking various education to help them in seeking jobs.With the advent of time technology and the requirement of job sector has changed drastically as compared to 10 years back.Many sectors have experienced tremendous growth in employment and thus masses opt for those sectors whereas in many sectors there is huge unemployment either due to low jobs availability or demand of skilled workers is required. Mobile App
39 Noah Integrated information platform for information about Indian Universities React, Python, MySQL There are more than 1000 universities in India and these universities are offering thousands of undergraduate, post-Graduate and doctorate courses. The students applying for these universities have to do a lot of comparison for choosing the university/course on the basis of various criteria’s. A PAN India university information bank is required for accessing course details, comparison of courses, facilities and faculty, admission, tracking student mobility, viewing results, evaluation and certification, verification of certificates, joint online courses (MOOCs). This will help both student and faculty communities for self improvement through comparison and emulations. Lack of information is leading to self glorification and inbreeding among University and College student and faculty members. Summary: The universities in India provide various courses on different disciplines and the students have to compare these courses on the basis of various parameters. Mobile App
40 Levi Integrated annual academic calendar for all the Indian universities React, Python, MySQL Due to the autonomy given to then Indian Universities, These institutions have developed their own annual academic calendars. The students wanting to get admissions in other institutions need to wait for the results of the previous course. Students of those Institutions who complete their examinations and get results early have the opportunity to select the course of their choice and move to the University of choice while those whose results are declared late have no (Or) less options of courses and colleges available for them. WebApp
41 Zahid Parvez Online integrated platform for projects taken up by the students of various universities/colleges. HTML, CSS, PHP An integrated platform should be developed where in all the universities/Colleges provide information about the projects done by the students. The information on this platform will help in the peer learning and this will also help in cross functional research between various universities/colleges. Objective: : To develop an online integrated platform for projects taken up by the students of various universities/colleges WebApp
42 Bruce Inter-linked platform for Campus Placement in Higher educational Institutions of India React-Native,Python APIs To develop an inter-linked platform for Campus Placement in Higher educational Institutions of India" WebApp
43 Odin Interlinked platform for School education, Higher education and Technical education in India Flutter To develop an Interlinked platform for School education, Higher education and Technical education in India"
44 Conversational Chatbot Builder - Smarter Virtual Assistants with Domain specific AI A conversational chatbot builder to enable no-code template based chatbot for troubleshooting questions, trainings, problem diagnostics. Ability for adapting chatbot of multi-domains will ensure the value for all Social innovation programs Expanding this by using BERT based models to make it more natural feeling like while conversing. Context specific BERT models can add value for healthcare, education based applications WebApp
45 Loki A Mobile App for AICTE Flutter, Python, MongoDB Mobile application development for the AICTE for providing the relevant information to the concerned stake holders will result in: 1. Easy access to information 2. User Friendly Mode Objective: : To develop a Mobile App for AICTE" Data- & Statistics > Dash board Mobile App
46 Christopher Centralized grievance system portal Django,SQL,HTML,CSS At our technical helpdesk, we are facing a problem regarding remotely access the institution PC for assist institutes to resolve the technical issues. If possible, there should be a platform which should be available on AICTE portal or centralized grievance system portal like any desk or team viewer through which we can easily and securely access the Institute PC with the permission of institutes representatives WebApp
47 Doltans AICTE TASK Management Mobile Application Flutter AICTE TASK Management Mobile Application WebApp
48 William Geotagging of all educational institutions integrated with virtual tour on Bharat Map so that any students/parents can visit any part of the country on map and take virtual tour along with facilities/courses available across the country. HTML, CSS, PHP Geotagging of all educational institutions integrated with virtual tour on Bharat Map so that any students/parents can visit any part of the country on map and take virtual tour along with facilities/courses available across the country. WebApp
49 Dennis One Point Student Verification React-Native,Python APIs There is a requirement of a single comprehensive mobile application which uses modern technology to for automating AICTE approval processes for schemes, training, VC, Fellowship and the office work automation and meetings to be integrated within app are some of the basic requirements. The list of things that can be automated is huge and with modern technology can be explored and innovated
50 Bathini Ajay Goud Hero Damaged Road Detections Python, OpenCV, smtplib library Real-Time email report automatically to be sent to officer by the website WebApp
51 Zakari Prediction of Admission & Jobs in Engineering & Technology /Management/Pharmacy with respect to demographic locations React,MySQL Modern era AI and computing systems can be employed to help in the process and any significant innovation in this field is highly appreciated which considers multiple factors and forecasts the admissions and jobs sector scenarios. There is a need to forecast the current trend in the admissions and job sectors so as to blend the courses and syllabus accordingly to keep the youth employed and skilled with rapidly changing world WebApp
52 King Tachala Security Management System Django,SQL,HTML,CSS Security Management System and its requirement in todays time is widely understood from the fact that people throughout the country have started opting for CCTV cameras in their home, offices and business. Although only the CCTV systems are not enough as criminals take advantage of blackouts (zones which are not covered by cameras) and enter the premise. Also in many cases it was found that criminals disrupted the power supply to the CCTV cameras or destroyed the cameras thus leaving no trace of the crime they committed. WebApp
53 Shuri Standard Course Curriculum Design for all the Universities across India Python GUI, MongoDB India as we know is a densely populated country and Every year more than 6 crores of Indians graduates from diverse backgrounds and with diversity in education. Almost similar number of students enter into colleges for taking various education to help them in seeking jobs. With the advent of time technology and the requirement of job sector has changed drastically as compared to 10 years back. However we still follow the same curriculum designed years back as per the need then. Windows App
54 Matthew Diet Recall React-Native,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Android IOS
55 Levi Work clothing that has sensors embedded in it to securely transmit data to managers about hazardous conditions and the workers physical conditions, improving safety overall React-Native,Python APIs To give a solution to design smart work clothing that has sensors embedded in it to securely transmit data to managers about hazardous conditions and the workers’ physical conditions, improving safety overall. Android IOS
56 Matthew Prototype of a Solar Powered IOT Device with the ability to connect to a smart network to be used in Geo Tagging of Physical Assets Created under CSR React-Native,Python APIs To give a software and a hardware solution that can identify, track and monitor the progress of the project on a real time basis. The solution should also have the capability to store a databank of all the assets created and give the analytics from the same Android IOS
57 Mahesh Babu Moving vehicle registration plate detection React-Native,Python APIs To create an anti-theft auto security system that can extract registration number from number plate of moving vehicle. And can capture and transfer data to cloud, which can be available for further analysis of theft or proof readingA diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Android IOS
58 Shahank A system of IoT devices to measure load weight in a dumper React-Native,Python APIs The object is to provide a solution to measure the load weight of the dumper using IoT technology. The solution should give dynamic measurements based of coal loaded into the dumper which will help stop overloading of the dumper and hence mitigate the risks of fatal accidents Android IOS
59 Yadav Smart Buffer Stock Solution React-Native,Python APIs to create buffer stock of onions in the harvest season and keep the buffer stock intact with its food value, moisture and taste for at least a period of six months from date of storage. We would want the technical solution to be proposed for the following:- (a (a) Storage of onions in the traditional storage systems and warehouses available in the country. (b) Technical solutions for storage of onions in temperature controlled storage systems, warehouses Android IOS
60 Madhu Virtual Visit to Indian pilgrimages React-Native,Python APIs To develop a single virtual platform having live 360 visuals of famous pilgrimages of India will help these devotees Objective: § To bring forward the culture of India to the rest of the world § Make sure users stay emotionally connected with their deity even in COVID induced lockdown. Android IOS
61 Jayanth NSUI AR App showcasing Turbans of India React-Native,Python APIs To value and preserve the rich heritage of our Indian culture. § To document the different types of turbans in India. § Encourage use of different types of turbans in various events Android IOS
62 Allu Arjun OCR and Fastest Scanning Device and Application React-Native,Python APIs Digitization of enormous amount of text and documents is necessary at huge pace to keep them from damage and making them available for upcoming generations who might loose interest or get totally disconnected with the texts if they are not accessible while relevant. Android IOS
63 Prabhas Hologram with Speech Synthesis React-Native,Python APIs Popularity of museums and knowledge dissemination will grow significantly if visitors get a personalized tour and guidance. Visitors should be guided in most efficient and interesting ways Android IOS
64 Nagarjuna Augmented Reality Classroom Programme React-Native,Python APIs Augmented reality models can be attached to a book. It will help provide an enhanced and expanded view of three-dimensional heritage properties and art by expanding the model in space. ? It can assist students learn more about India and its rich culture and heritage by using picture tracking and a simple visual animation technique. Android IOS
65 N T Rama Rao Jr Digital Reconstruction of Monuments React-Native,Python APIs To create a digital reconstruction of the monuments from the existing picture to predict how it was in the past. Objective: ? To preserve our cultural heritage for future generations. ? It is essential that damaged and dilapidated historic monuments and artefacts are accurately documented, and that steps are taken to improve user experiences by means of digital reconstruction Android IOS
66 Messi Ticketless Entry System to Monuments/Museums React-Native,Python APIs To devise a QR based ticketing system with necessary hardware for the seamless visitor experience in Museums/Heritage sites. In addition, The prediction of the expected crowd should be added as a feature. Android IOS
67 Ronaldo 3D Planetarium Software React-Native,Python APIs To develop an indegenous 3D planetarium software. Android IOS
68 Prahas AR App for Monuments React-Native,Python APIs To develop an AR application for visitors so that they can scan any area in a monument and can see history come alive through augmented animations. Android IOS
69 Suhas Virtual Excavation Game React-Native,Python APIs To develop a virtual excavation 3D game for students to excavate sites, learn about objects excavated and also develop your virtual museum. Android IOS
70 Rana Yedava E-commerce for Artisans React-Native,Python APIs To develop an exclusive e-commerce platform for artisans to sell their products. The demand forecast of the items required, automatic quality checks on the items as well as Sentiment analysis with next recommendation actions for the artist shall be added. Android IOS
71 Pavan Kalyan Tracing IP address and details of unidentified participants while academic sessions. React-Native,Python APIs Covid Pandemic /Lockdown has resulted in frustrations among students,It has affected their mental health as well, resulting in unwanted behaviours and activities which disturbs the whole class, and the decorum of the session/academic activities. The links for academic sessions/webinars/CREs are shared by a few students to miscreants, who then login into the meeting/sessions using the same link by using IDs or names of other identified participants. After login into the meeting, miscreant/mischievous students create indiscipline, confusion and use foul abusive languages to disturb the whole meeting. Android IOS
72 Konda Vijay Accessing visual information (written information) by persons with visual disability. React-Native,Python APIs The provision of information materials to persons with visual impairment has remained worrisome to producers and providers of alternative formats.Summary: The Internet and the World Wide Web have significantly increased the ease of access to information resources for people with disabilities due to the flexibility of use and the provision of assistive technologies such as screen readers for people who are BVI. Android IOS
73 Chiru Enabling communication strategies for persons with hearing impairment. React-Native,Python APIs .The main barrier to communication for people who are hearing impaired is the lack of consideration by others. 2.There is an urgent requirement to include all humans into the society as per the ratification of the UNCRPD act. Android IOS
74 Srinivas Sai Enabling alternative accessible strategies for persons with speech impairment. React-Native,Python APIs Many people with hearing loss/ speech disability experience a drop in self-esteem and confidence because of their impaired ability to communicate with other people. Having difficulties in speaking can also limit one’s ability to learn and speak a new language; it is crucial that alternative accessibility solutions are provided to ensure these persons use good communication strategies. Android IOS
75 Nageshwar Rao Development of easy operating systems for persons with locomotor disability. React-Native,Python APIs Persons with disabilities continue to face barriers that prevent them from enjoying their full civil, political, economic, social, cultural and developmental rights. Mainstreaming and universal access for persons with disabilities are the ultimate goals of the disability movement. Android IOS
76 Mohan Babu DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTEGRATED WEB-BASED OFFICE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM React-Native,Python APIs The physical movement of such files/ documents has many disadvantages. When a document file is under process of approval, the location of the file document where it has been delayed on the way while moving from table to table, is very difficult to trace. Android IOS
77 Lakshmi DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB-BASED PLATFORM & MOBILE APP FOR STORING & SHARING INFORMATION ABOUT ACCESSIBLE BUILDINGS/ OFFICES/ PUBLIC PLACES/ BUS STOPS/ RAILWAYS/ MARKETPLACE SCHOOLS ETC. React-Native,Python APIs Web-Based solution widely accessible for storing and sharing information about buildings/offices/schools/marketplace etc.Summary: Presently, we can get a lot of information on a map-based platform using a PC or a mobile app. Examples of such apps are Ola & Uber showing taxi locations, Zomato & Swiggy showing restaurant locations and Google maps showing restaurants, filling stations, hotels etc. Android IOS
78 Vishnu Difficulties to understand the concept in Math & Science for visual impaired person. React-Native,Python APIs A simple solution to make tactile diagrams which will help a visually impaired person to understand complex concepts.Summary: Due to the problem in vision the persons are unable to see the Pictorial diagram published in the book which are essential to understand the concepts in a proper way specially in the case of Math & Science. Android IOS
79 Manoj Comprehensive tools to edit the pdf and convert into epub format. React-Native,Python APIs Simple tool that will be more accessible for impaired readers. They function better with screen reading software.Summary: Such kinds of facilities are not available or not integrated in a single tool. Most of them are highly paid software, which are not easily affordable by every person. Android IOS
80 Adivi Sesh IoT based solution for recording and storing metrics of normal and orthotic leg for analysis by Orthotist. React-Native,Python APIs A practical challenge faced in the field of assistive devices and orthotics is to measure real time efficiency of the device when fitted on the patient, such that the orthotist can better suggest the exercises/changes in gait to the patient. Android IOS
81 Aadi Using depth sensors or computer vision in prosthetic lower extremity exoskeleton appliance to alert or adjust gait. React-Native,Python APIs Background: Lower extremity exoskeleton prosthetic devices today not only need to provide active control, but alert and support the leg when the patient traverses an uneven surface like a pothole. Summary: These exoskeletons assist/replace the impaired parts of the users, allowing users to live/behave like healthy people while wearing the devices. For this type of exoskeleton, precise position control with electrical motors is the most common combination. Android IOS
82 Sai Kumar App for registration of Persons with Disabilities under ADIP scheme React-Native,Python APIs ADIP Scheme is being implemented by different agencies for Persons with Disabilities across India. However, a national portal regarding the latest ADIP beneficiary details is not available. Presently, there is no software application to register Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) for receiving Aids and appliances under ADIPS scheme. Android IOS
83 Naresh Optimal design of Silo for bulk storage of Rice React-Native,Python APIs Pain Points : a) Rice continues to be majorly stored in the traditional storage godow’ns as stacks in gunny bags. This requires manual handling of bags and the process is also subject to losses during storage. b) Technical challenges in storing the rice in bulk due to the very nature of the commodity, is a major roadblock. c) Since, the rice-ielated operations of FCI form a major part of the overall scale of operations, non-use of Silos for storing rice does not allow tor leveragtng the efficiencies of bulk storage. d) The Silos take significantly lower space for storing the food grains, which can be a special advantage. Android IOS
84 Siddharth Good quality of food/fresh food which can be stored using latest technology React-Native,Python APIs The tinned/dehydrated food being used by troops at border has its draw backs as it produces gas and abdominal discomfort. Latest technology may be explored to address to this problem of storage and production of fresh vegetables at high altitude. Android IOS
85 Ramana All weather good quality clothing for troops React-Native,Python APIs Special Uniform for Tropical area:- ITBP Troops are deployed in ANO area where troops face harsh weather: mostly high temperature, mosquito and snakes. Some technology in field of clothing or equipment may be explored to address his problem which can rectify this problem or may suppress the harm. Special Uniform for High Altitude area:- Troops are deployed in such area where temperature dip down up to -40° C, in such areas troops are facing high altitude diseases i.e Frost bite, Chilblains, loss of appetite, headache. Latest technology in rlo clothing may explored to overcome this problem or suppress impact of such adverse weather on human body. Android IOS
86 hari shankar Devlop a Ready to use first aid kits React-Native,Python APIs Until evacuation to higher centre, patient is dependent on first aid by medic/telemedicine. However, good quality, easy to use first aid kits might be life savior in times of crisis. Oxygen related problems:- Troops are deployed in high altitude area where oxygen level is very low which can affect the physical efficiency of troops. Android IOS
87 Jagan A mobile app for PIB with engaging features for direct outreach to the people. React-Native,Python APIs A real-time and one-stop solution for the latest information about the Government may be developed. The app may support various multimedia formats such as text, video, and audio. The app may be customized to the language of choice of the user, and his/her topics of interest. Mechanism for real-time notification may be provided. Android IOS
88 Rahul Smart Manufacturing React-Native,Python APIs Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is the use of software and computer-controlled machinery to automate a manufacturing process. Based on that definition, you need three components for a CAM system to function: Software that tells a machine how to make a product by generating toolpaths. Machinery that can turn raw material into a finished product. Android IOS
89 Mohan Das Require Crime Predictive model/tool for hotspot mapping React-Native,Python APIs Explanation Mapping of hotspots/zones where e a particular crime is more prevalent Some of the categories for classification (input category being criminal Explanation sections) Indian Penal Code, NDPS Act, Gambling Act, Arms Act, Mineral and Mining Act, Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, Goonda Act. Android IOS
90 Vishwak Layering of Bank accounts React-Native,Python APIs During criminal investigation, Law agencies come across different bank accounts. There is need of a mechanism which can help to integrate different bank accounts into layers. Expectation There are multiple accounts being provided by banks in form of excel sheets and pdfs but this solution must be able to link all the data and present it in a well organised and layered format Extension Sorting of data into District and Police Station wise. Then an inter linkages be established with different bank data linked with each other. Android IOS
91 Sree Vishnu smart and sustainable supply chain React-Native,Python APIs SDG target 12.3 seeks by 2030. halve per capita global food plastic at the retail and consumer level and reduce food losses along production and supply chains including post harvest losses" Android IOS
92 Sudheer Babu An online website and app based solution that compares various requirements for Government jobs, as are advertised in the Employment News weekly published by Publications Division with various fields React-Native,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Android IOS
93 Shaban babu "Require Automated Smart Data Collection System. " React-Native,Python APIs Data is manually entered through the portal which results into delays, discrepancies and mistakes. A smart system should be developed that can do the following: - Validates that data is correct - Free of mistakes - Sends timely reminderss Android IOS
94 Varun Tej Monitoring & optimization of Bandwidth provisioned to the court complexes React-Native,Python APIs As part of eCourt Mission mode project, Internet connectivity is provided to the court complexes. Due to the load on these internet systems, it is leading into congestion and decrease in the speed of the internet. A Software/algorithm should be developed to provide prioritization to different kind of users and work so that right people and systems get right speed and non-priority work can be completed during non-peak hours Android IOS
95 Krishnam Raju Monitoring & optimization of Bandwidth provisioned to the court complexes React-Native,Python APIs Courts are getting many cases and currently it is becoming challenging to prioritize those cases. A software/algorithm should be developed for prioritizing and allocations of dates to the cases based on the following parameters: - Time of filing of chargesheet - Severity of the crime and sections involved - Last hearing date - Degree of responsibility of the alleged perpetrators System should be free of impartiality Android IOS
96 Nithin Devlop a Software for Categorization of cases. React-Native,Python APIs Courts are getting many cases and currently it is becoming challenging to prioritize those cases. A software/algorithm should be developed for prioritizing and allocations of dates to the cases based on the following parameters: - Time of filing of chargesheet - Severity of the crime and sections involved - Last hearing date - Degree of responsibility of the alleged perpetrators System should be free of impartiality . Android IOS
97 Bramhi Darling Training of all levels of court staff on PAN India basis React-Native,Python APIs There are many people (staff) which works in courts. These people are not been able to function properly due to lack of trainings. A training software or platform should be developed with the following features: - training different types of resources - Access anywhere and anytime - Accessible through laptop, desktop, mobile or other computing devices - Should suggest right kind of trainings based on the user role, experience, and expertise WebApp
98 Dr. Rajasekhar Composite database for cases filed at all levels of judiciary and tribunals React-Native,Python APIs Many times same cases are filed in multiple courts. A software/algorithm should be developed which can identify same case filed in different courts based on the following parameters: - Attach Aadhar card of the perpeterators - Jurisdiction of the police - Name and identification of the incharge of the case - and so on This will help combine these multiple cases into one and save precious time of the court resulting into the efficiency of the court Android IOS
99 Vaishnaw Tej Training of all levels of court staff on PAN India basis React-Native,Python APIs There are many people (staff) which works in courts. These people are not been able to function properly due to lack of trainings. A training software or platform should be developed with the following features: - training different types of resources - Access anywhere and anytime - Accessible through laptop, desktop, mobile or other computing devices - Should suggest right kind of trainings based on the user role, experience, and expertise Android IOS
100 raj tharun Diet Recall React-Native,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. IOS
101 Matthew IoT enabled risk monitoring svstem in Cold Suppll Chain React-Native,Python APIs Monitoring temperature, humidity and other gas compositions in cold storagc are in built and automated in large cornmercial premises. However, monitoring the real time location, temperature and other parameteE need a cost effective system which may be integrated by GPS, remote sensors, cloud computing and big data Android
102 Matthew Diet Recall React-Native,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Hardware
103 Matthew To provide solution for entire year commercial solar drying of food commodities. React-Native,Python APIs Solar trackers are rising in popularity, but everyone understands the complete benefits and potential drawbacks of the system. Solar panel tracking solutions are a more advancedtechnology for monitoring photovoltaic panels. Stationary mounts. which hold panels in a fixed position, can handle their productility compromised when the sun passes to a less-than-optimal angle. compensating for this- solar tracker automatically move to 'tack'' the progress ofthe sun across the sky. thereby maximizing output. Android IOS
104 Matthew Solution to Identify Drones through CCTV feeds installed at houses, roads etc. React-Native,Python APIs While Drones are poised to fuel new use cases and economy, they also pose security threats. Due to small Radar Cross Section, it is not easy to detect them through conventional Radars. An economic solution such as detection of Drones through CCTV feeds in real time is very useful to protect our establishments and sensitive areas. Android IOS
105 Rani Speed measurement of autonomous underwater vehicles React-Native,Python APIs At present, there is no way to measure the speed of underwater vehicles directly. Indirect measurements are done such as measurement of propeller shaft rpm or speed estimated by Inertial Navigation System (which actually measures accelerations and integrates to get velocity, which induces error in velocity estimates with time). Instruments such as Doppler Velocity Logs are used by few vehicles to estimate vehicle velocity by Doppler shift; however, DVL operations are noisy and limited to shallow waters. Android IOS
106 Matthew_12 To strengthen the skills for managing negative emotions of self and others effectively. React-Native,Python APIs 1. Understanding and managing negative emotions towards self 2. Understanding and managing negative emotions towards others 3. Understanding the context and situation and acting appropriately Strategies to overcome these challenges 1. Managing anger and aggression a. Towards self i. Relaxation techniques ii. Cognitive restructuring b. Towards others i. Think before you speak ii. Better communication iii. Cognitive reappraisal c. Towards the environment i. Pause and reflect Android IOS
107 Matthew To maintain and enjoy healthy relationships with others. React-Native,Python APIs 1. Developing effective communication skills 2. Developing interpersonal skills 3. Developing empathy (perspective taking) 4. Accepting and respecting others Ways to nurture positive relationships S/w IOS
108 Srikanth To maintain and enjoy healthy relationships with others. React-Native,Python APIs 1.Developing effective communication skills 2. Developing interpersonal skills 3. Developing empathy (perspective taking) 4. Accepting and respecting others Ways to nurture positive relationships Android IOS
109 Suman To enhance concentration among students for better performance in the given task. React-Native,Python APIs Concentration is the ability to focus on the task at hand while ignoring the object distractions in the environment. Sub themes 1. Identifying the reasons for lack of concentration 2. Steps to enhance concentration Ways to enhance concentration Software
110 Sivaji Diet Recall Reactjs,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Web App
111 Rukmini Diet Recall Angular,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Android IOS
112 ramya Diet Management Dart,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Android IOS
113 jhansi Diet Recall React-Native,Python APIs A diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consist of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24/7 days etc. Android IOS
114 sri sri To develop self-awareness to realize the full potential for holistic functioning of students across age groups. hardware Self-awareness is being aware of various aspects of self-including their, behaviors, feelings and habits. It is a psychological state where the individual becomes their own focus of attention. Sub-themes : Understanding one’s 1. Strength and developing them Android IOS
115 Jadeja Common EDI Mode for all the Ports and Terminals React-Native,Python APIs The PCS 1x platform is an open platform for all the modes of integrations. At present, across all Ports and Terminals and other custodians has different modes of integration with lack of standardization. In all the Port, Terminals, and other custodians are using the integration format such as Text, XML, API. Some of the Ports, Custodians and Terminals does not have any mode of integration available which hamper the implementation/integration of/with PCS 1x.. Android IOS
116 Raina Lack of uniform GIS system at Ports hardware All major ports in India have implemented GIS in their individual capacities and have mapped either wholly or partially their physical and land assets on GIS through the on boarded vendor. These GIS systems work in siloes with no interconnection across systems. Android IOS